Sawakyu Industries Co., Ltd. strives to address a wide range of environmental, economic, and social challenges raised by SDGs and contribute to developing of a sustainable society to protect beautiful global environment and support affluent life for all people through our business activities.

Activities for SDGs


Responsible consumption and production

・We promote to reduce, reuse and recycle waste (paper, cardboard, uniform, etc.).

・By using chemSHERPA tool, we are committed to legal compliance such as RoHs and REACH.

Climate action

・By adopting LED lightning and temperature settings of air conditioners, we are committed to reduce power consumption and carbon dioxide emission prevention activities.

・We promote the replacement of hybrid vehicles and electric forklifts.

・We build an environmental management(ISO14001).

Life below water

・We are committed to the creation and distribution of eco-friendly promotional materials.

Life on land

・We entrust the dispose of industrial waste to licensed service operators.

・We are committed to going paperless to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions due to control deforestation.

・We introduce paperless FAX.


Good health and well-being

・We are committed to promoting work style reform and acquiring paid leaves and reducing overtime.

・We are committed to creating a safe, secure rewarding, comfortable and healthy workplace by properly managing worktimes and conducting periodical health examinations. 

・We are committed to infection control.

・We promote maternity and paternity leave.

Quality education

・We are committed to the career and skills development for each employee through internal and external training and compliance education.

・We support the acquisition of qualifications.

Decent work and economic growth

・By promoting digitalization, increasing work efficiency and reducing overtimes, we achieve a work environment with a good work-life balance where both work and life are fulfilled.

・We are registered as a supportive company for “AICHI PREFECTURE REST STYLE REFORM INITIATIVE”.

・We are registered as a supportive company for “AICHI WORK-LIFE BALANCE PROMOTION MOVEMENT”.

・We are registered as a company for “AICHI PREFECTURE REST STYLE REFORM MEISTER”.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

・We control the system to back up in the prescribed manner and build the business continuity plan.

・We build quality management(ISO9001).


Gender Equality 10. Reduced inequalities

・We do NOT discriminate on the grounds of gender, disability, disease, nationality, educational background, religion, sexual orientation, or creed in recruitment activities and personnel evaluations. 

・We are committed to the education to prevent human rights violations such as sexual and power harassment.

Reduced inequalities

・We promote the use of universal-designed products.

Peace, justice, and strong institutions

・We strive to reduce the serious accidents due to thorough information security.

・We strive to reduce the serious violations due to thorough compliance.